pictures, ScULPTURes, art INSTALLATIONs


In its normal function as the home of the “Cloister Gallery,” the historic Cloister Barn offers you a rich assortment of all sorts of art exhibitions.  

We cooperate with prestigious cultural institutions such as the National Gallery in  Berlin and are proud to mount regular exhibits of works by internationally renowned artists like Ernst Barlach, Wieland Förster or Oswaldo Guayasamín.

But we also make it a priority to exhibit the work of contemporary artists active in a wide range of styles and genres.  

And we of course also offer our own local artists from the region an effective stage for their works. So come take a look and allow yourself to be inspired!  


poetry, PROSe, DRAMA


Although our facility is located in a wonderful natural setting, far from the hustle and bustle of the big city, our reputation has grown over the years and now reaches well beyond the borders of Brandenburg.

It is our distinct pleasure to make our facility available to the best of the current crop of writers, authors and poets, as well as to up-and-coming creators in the cultural sector who are not yet well known but who nonetheless have what it takes] to make a lasting impression.  

Enjoy an evening of passionate, moving and provocative works featuring the spoken word. Ones that challenge you to reflect or that simply transport you into another world.

For a special moment, for a lasting memory.




Music! An art form that can touch us in so many ways, it seems. Making us laugh, dream, dance and cry, and so much more.

Music is balm for the soul, as they say. So we set great store by offering delightful aural nourishment for the soul that satisfies the human need to dream along to the sounds of music.

The talented musicians who perform in our space are every bit as diverse as the artists featured in the other parts of our program calendar.

Our space allows you to immerse yourself in every performance while enjoying its full range of acoustic nuances.




Shakespeare, that consummate master of the theatre, had it right: “All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players. They have their exits and their entrances...”

And just as the world is a stage, so the stage can be the whole world for those with sufficient imagination. Indeed, the stage is where we can freely experience all sorts of unfamiliar worlds, be they narrow or wide, bright or dark, heavenly or abysmal, regional or national – not to mention the exotic worlds of distant lands.

This, then, is the concept behind our stage program: We bring the world to Zehdenick: the artists, the themes, the styles, the dramatic visions!

So go on a journey: Visit our historic Cloister Barn and see the world!  




Culture, education and democracy are a practically inseparable triumvirate. Or to put it in Albert Einstein’s words: “The important thing is never to cease asking questions.”

Cinema can do more than just provide entertainment. Cinema can ask questions, move people, and perhaps even help make positive change in society.  

Analyzing a movie in a formal discussion group allows us to delve deeper than in an off-hand conversation. Here, civilized debate becomes possible. Thus allowing us to engage in one of democracy’s most basic civic activities.

Which is why we offer you a carefully curated program of films and ensuing discussion rounds. For your personal enrichment, your political enlightenment and, yes, sometimes purely for your entertainment.  

So whether you want to broaden your horizons or just have a good time – let’s go to the movies!


For kids big and small, afficiniados and experts


The Cloister Barn is intended as a place for people of all ages. So we want all of our guests, young and old, to feel right at home.

Group settings are another great way to learn and experience. So please also keep us in mind if you are planning a workshop, a conference or similar event.  

You will find snacks and refreshments in our small café kitchen. The most important sections of our facility are easily accessible for people with disabilities.

So whether you’re young or just young at heart – welcome!