Elon Turgeman (g), Daniel Bulatkin (Hammond Organ), Omri Abramov (sax), Utsi Zimring (dr)
Der brillante Gitarrist Elon Turgeman, ein Jazzpionier, präsentiert sein neues Album "Climb Up", welches er kürzlich mit dem legendären New Yorker Schlagzeuger Adam Nussbaum herausgebracht hat. Elon bringt die musikalischen Einflüsse, die ihn über die Jahre inspiriert haben, in sein Spiel ein. Zusammen mit dieser wunderbaren Gruppe ist das Ergebnis ein warmer und einzigartiger Sound, der eine breite Palette von Stilen berührt, von klassischem Jazz bis zu zeitgenössischem Jazz und Weltmusikeinflüssen. Sie bieten eine intime, mitreißende und aufregende Quartet-performance, die Originalmusik aus Elons neuem Album "Climb Up" enthält, sowie Standards in einer farbenfrohen und einzigartigen Interpretation.
Brilliant guitarist Elon Turgeman, a jazz pioneer, presents his new album, "Climb Up”, which he recently launched with the legendary drummer from New York, Adam Nussbaum! Elon brings the musical influences that have inspired him over the years into his playing. Together with this wonderful group, the result is a warm and unique sound that touches a wide range of styles, from classical jazz to contemporary jazz. Offers an intimate, sweeping and exciting Quartet performance that includes original music from Elon's latest album 'Climb Up' and standards in a colourful and unique performance.
Press Page:
"Music that will satisfy even the most demanding jazz fan” - JazzPort Blog
"a strong release which should bring Elon Turgeman a wider international following” - The London Jazz News
"The music on Climb Up... is rigorous and driven throughout by architectural acuity!” - theWholeNote magazine
"The guitarist plays in a style that for all its frequent rambunctious phrases and lines is deceptively limpid, as if his wrists were almost disconnected from the rest of his arms – held together by hyperactive nerve ends that, in turn, control hyperactive fingers that could be urged to dart up and down the fretboard almost at will." - the Whole Note Magazine
"With vibrant colour reminiscent of chimes and an uplifting, echo chamber-like quality, the song drives to his first sassy solo; and Elon is quite the technician.” - Debbie Burke, Jazz Author USA 2018
"Music that will satisfy even the most demanding jazz fan” - JazzSK blog
Official website - www.elonturgeman.com
Vorverkauf: 10 € / Tageskasse: 13 € / Schüler: 8 €
Eine Veranstaltung in Vorbereitung unserer Veranstaltungsreihe zum 30. Jahrestag des Mauerfalls am 09. November 1989.